Now, more than ever, licensed mental health professionals must have access to mental health services in order to effectively treat the populations they serve.

Our Mission:
To allow self-employed, licensed, mental health professionals in need of mental health treatment to access mental health services at no cost to them.

How you can help.
Be An Ally.
Take time to read about compassion fatigue in the mental health industry. Reach out to those you know providing mental health services and ask them what you can do to help.
Share the Cause.
Help spread the word by sharing our story with friends, family, and on your social media channels.
Donate Now.
Help us to provide financial resources to mental health professionals by donating to the cause. All proceeds go directly in support of professionals in need of mental health services.
“It’s like deploying someone else’s parachute and not
deploying your own. We need change.”
— Dr. Alyson Carr, LMHC